Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Something Awful has a funny photo montage of classic artwork, but with a Star Wars twist. Check it out here if you are a nerd.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Is your desktop PC a little bland? Give it to one of these modders and they'll fix that problem for you!
Posted by Brandon Alford at 7:06 AM
I've always been interested in case modding - not quite enough to undertake case modding myself, but I do appreciate a good case mod when I see one. I ran across a link this morning that shows some pretty amazing examples of case mods, so I want to share it. Head over to PCWorld's article to check them out!
Some of my favorites are the Bender (from Futurama) case mod, the steampunk-themed PC (pictured above in this post), and of course, the obligatory R2D2 mod was my personal favorite. I'd love to see a case mod that looks like an old Atari 2600 or an old 8-bit Nintendo. I'd proudly display either of those in my living room!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Really...I'm not a Star Trek hater, but this was just too funny not to share.
Posted by Brandon Alford at 10:59 AMThis is a funny video I saw while doing a little internet surfing this morning. I'm definitely a much bigger fan of Star Wars than Star Trek, so I had a little chuckle while watching this.
Do you think this guy is going to see the new Star Trek movie? Hmmm. (see the pics of this guy's bachelor pad here). In other news, people who will most likely remain a bachelor.... :)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I'm a bit of a map nerd (if you ask my wife, I'm just plain old nerdy), so not surprisingly, I've come across a list of some neat Google maps. Cnet has an article here that lists a few that I found interesting. For these and other cool maps, check out the Google Maps Directory.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Any fans of high-altitude photography should check out this article on Make Magaizine's blog on the Meteotek high-altitude balloon project.