Thursday, November 13, 2008

I saw an article posted on Digg today that reminds me of the Terminator movies. It was about a robot that can mimic the facial expressions of a human. It is certainly a far cry from the fictional robots in that series, but hey - that technology had to get a start somewhere, right? Click here to read the article - there is a video in the middle of the page, just in case the photos don't give you enough of a creepy vibe.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Amazon read my post!

Well, I'd like to think they did anyway. The post I'm referring to was one of my first ones on this blog, and it can be found here: *^%$@#~ Toy Packaging!

Today, Wired's Gadget Lab blog has a post dealing with the infuriating packaging that most things seem to be sealed into these days. I have to applaud Amazon, both for the frustration reduction as well as the environmental impact this could have. It totally makes sense that there isn't a need for theft-deterrant packaging if you're shopping online - how do you steal something from a webpage, right? If they suceed in this endeavor, I might have to put my need for immediate gratification on hold for the promise of not having to get the Jaws of Life to open every package I receive. Life is all about compromises...

UPDATE: More on this story today (11/21/08) at Inhabitat

Maker Faire Photos

I finally got around to uploading my pictures from Maker Faire! I was having too much fun to remember to take good pictures, but I got a couple of the highlights of the day. I wish we had more time to enjoy the festival, but alas, we had the Kids again, so time was limited. Hopefully next year the kiddos will be old enough to enjoy these things a little more and not need to nap as often. We'll see.... :)

Here is my Flickr page with the photos. Enjoy!