Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Creative Lego Creations - a gallery

The Speckyboy design website always has some great articles on web design and other related topics, but I had bookmarked a blog post several months back, and recently re-discovered it after cleaning out some old bookmark links I had saved for later viewing. I have re-posted some of my favorites here in this post, but check out the original post on Speckyboy.com for more great models.

The Last Chance Saloon

I'm not sure which Star Wars battle this is, but who cares?? It's pretty awesome!

Reminds me of Amsterdam, just down from the train station.

OK. Dungeons & Dragons AND Lego? You know I had to post this one.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Star Wars takes over the art museum

Something Awful has a funny photo montage of classic artwork, but with a Star Wars twist. Check it out here if you are a nerd.

Monday, June 8, 2009

I've always been interested in case modding - not quite enough to undertake case modding myself, but I do appreciate a good case mod when I see one. I ran across a link this morning that shows some pretty amazing examples of case mods, so I want to share it. Head over to PCWorld's article to check them out!
Some of my favorites are the Bender (from Futurama) case mod, the steampunk-themed PC (pictured above in this post), and of course, the obligatory R2D2 mod was my personal favorite. I'd love to see a case mod that looks like an old Atari 2600 or an old 8-bit Nintendo. I'd proudly display either of those in my living room!

Friday, May 8, 2009

This is a funny video I saw while doing a little internet surfing this morning. I'm definitely a much bigger fan of Star Wars than Star Trek, so I had a little chuckle while watching this.

Things that make you go "hmm"

Do you think this guy is going to see the new Star Trek movie? Hmmm. (see the pics of this guy's bachelor pad here). In other news, people who will most likely remain a bachelor.... :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Nerdy Google Maps

I'm a bit of a map nerd (if you ask my wife, I'm just plain old nerdy), so not surprisingly, I've come across a list of some neat Google maps. Cnet has an article here that lists a few that I found interesting. For these and other cool maps, check out the Google Maps Directory.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Any fans of high-altitude photography should check out this article on Make Magaizine's blog on the Meteotek high-altitude balloon project.

See some of the pictures below (clicking the image will take you to their Flickr page):

Do you like Hip-Hop music? Zelda? I found a great mash-up online today on Crunch Gear and I want to share it with any fans of the Zelda series or hip hop music (or both). I wasn't expecting too much (I've heard some pretty crappy mashups), but I was pleasantly surprised by this one. Enjoy it at 8Tracks.com.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Doom-Diablo clone

I ran across a pretty exciting idea for a video game cross-over today; a game that combines the old Doom universe with the Diablo series. It's certainly not a top-of-the-line game in terms of graphics or flashy efects, but given that I loved both of these games when they were originally out, this serves as a nice piece of nostalgia. And hey- since I've got two kids, I rarely get to play games any more, so anything where I can combine my fun with two old classics at the same time, I'm all for it. Check out the game here (still in early development at this time).

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Try these musical statistics on for size! I found a funny link today that breaks down some of those inherent truths found in popular songs into nice pie charts and other assorted graphs. If you have trouble visualizing what a song might be telling you, or you're more into the whole being hyper-analytical thing, you'll enjoy this link. If you have the slightest sense of humor, you'll also enjoy them. My favorite is posted below:

Video Game Art - Video Game Remakes

    I was looking on Digg last week, specifically at different categories of pictures while I taking a break from doing some things around the house, and came across a link to the wallpaper shown above. The link took me to the rest of the collection by Orioto over on the Deviant Art website. I've always run across other artists and pictures that I like on Deviant Art, but  this has to be one of my favorite collections by far. 
    This particular collection of pictures show some great depictions of classic video game characters and scenes. Head over to Orioto's page on Deviant Art to check out the rest of this collection. If you are a fan of video games, I  think you'll like this collection.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Arts & Crafts Day

My youngest son is sick, so while he and my wife were at the doctor's office, Elijah and I had to find things to occupy our free time. Amazingly, I was able to fire up the grill and cook hot dogs for lunch without any major mishaps. I credit the toy bus that was the first thing in view on the porch this morning, and I think that Elijah got so engrossed in the bus and his little 'peoples for the bus' that I was able to cook two hot dogs without either burning the food or my kid (just kidding on the kid part, although his desire to 'help' always brings him too close to the stove or grill, in my opinion).
At any rate, we had a great morning making our first pirate sword. My creation looks somewhat more like a knight's sword, but since he's two, I think I can get by without too much scrutiny. Of course, now that we have the sword, here come the inevitable sword fights. I realize now that he likes the thing so much, we have to be sure that hedoesn't hit his little brother with it, so it looks like a stress-free afternoon activity will only create more stress down the line. Boy, I love being a dad! :)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Great Artist Site - Johnny Yanok

Head over to Johnny Yanok's website and take a look at some of his artwork. One of his paintings got my attention today, and after I headed over to his site, I was glad I stopped by. A couple of the pieces that I liked are included here, but head over to his site to view his full collection. I love the cartoonish style he uses, because it's not the overly kidsy kind of cartoonish. According to his blog, it also looks like he has done some design for Target, so if his work looks familiar, that may be where you've seen it. Enjoy the link!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I've recently been listening to a lot of bluegrass tributes to everything from 80's classics to Modest Mouse. And as cheesy and nerdy as that sounds, these songs I've been listening to are pretty damn good! Even though my title pokes fun at bluegrass, I have always appreciated it for the sheer talent that I've seen in almost all bluegrass musicians. No one 'type' of musician has really imporessed me more with their mastery of their respective instruments, and while my personal tastes lean toward heavier music, I can also appreciate great musicianship when I see it no matter what the genre. 

Here is one of the songs that first got me looking at this sub-genere of music, and something I'm glad I found while randomly surfing for new music to listen to. It's certainly led to hours of enjoyment so faqr, and will probably be paying me back for many days to come. Enjoy this and some of the other links I've posted!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Build Your Own Pirate Ship Day

Today was build your own pirate ship day - at least it was at my house this morning. My oldest son and I were building the pirate ship shown here, and had a great time! Even though he was running a bit of a fever, the project was engaging enough to keep him from zoning out on the TV and being fussy all morning. It took up about an hour of the morning, right after he got up, and I think it allowed him a little time to get in a better mood slowly. The picture above is the result of our project this morning.
Against my better judgement, I let him help paint the model, and aside from a little paint on his hands, nothing got wrecked, surprisingly. He's only 2 and a half, so I wasn't expecting Rembrandt, but he certianly didn't get any on the table or his clothes, which is usually the first place paint brushes tend to orient themselves and are drawn to when they're first placed in a toddler's hand.
       Once we got finished with the painting, we put together the sails and rigging and it's currently sitting on the table in our kitchen waiting for a little touch up on the paint and then to find a permanent home. All in all, this was a very easy model to put together and paint. It came with all of the items needed to complete the model (paint & paintbrush, glue, string, etc), and it was just long enough to eat up a good chunk of time, but not so long that he lost interest. I'd recommend checking it out for a good rainy day activity or a good distraction for an otherwise suboptimal mood or lack of things to do in the house. 
