Monday, November 3, 2008

Amazon read my post!

Well, I'd like to think they did anyway. The post I'm referring to was one of my first ones on this blog, and it can be found here: *^%$@#~ Toy Packaging!

Today, Wired's Gadget Lab blog has a post dealing with the infuriating packaging that most things seem to be sealed into these days. I have to applaud Amazon, both for the frustration reduction as well as the environmental impact this could have. It totally makes sense that there isn't a need for theft-deterrant packaging if you're shopping online - how do you steal something from a webpage, right? If they suceed in this endeavor, I might have to put my need for immediate gratification on hold for the promise of not having to get the Jaws of Life to open every package I receive. Life is all about compromises...

UPDATE: More on this story today (11/21/08) at Inhabitat