Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Creepiest. Show. Ever....

I have recently become hooked on a show airing on the Discovery Channel called A Haunting. I originally only caught a few episodes at the very beginning or in the middle, since it aired around my typical lunch hour, so I started recording the episodes on my DVR to have something to watch in the evenings after the boy goes to sleep.

Now that I'm watching the full episodes, I'm hooked. I know that there are a lot of made up theatrics that comprise these shows, but I do find it more interesting than those other ghost shows that have the night vision cameras (Ghost Hunters is one, I think). Although I'm not a complete believer in all of the show's assertions, it's pretty damn creepy regardless. I have seen some episodes for sale on the Discovery store and at Timeless Media.

You should try to catch it if you have not seen it. It airs on most weekdays at 1 pm CST on Discovery HD.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ahhh... Relaxation

My wife and I are taking a much needed vacation before the new baby gets here in July, and I'm loving it. Even though I got up at 6:00 AM this morning, I still feel more rested than i normally do when waking up at 8:00 with the boy. Admittedly, we changed time zones on this trip, but 6:00 here is the same as 8:00 back home.

I think the fact that we have absolutely nothing planned for today, other than a massage at around 1:00, is what is refreshing me. And the fact that I wasn't being asked to turn on the TV to catch up on the latest goings-on of Dora or the Wiggles. I actually watched the NEWS this morning. And nobody was grabbing the remote out of my hand and looking pleadingly at me for a channel change to something in the channel range of Noggin and the Disney channel.

While I do miss the boy, I'm liking the fact that my wife and I get a couple of days of 'adult time' - adult time not being a strictly sexual connotation (although we're getting some of that in too ;), but rather one of being able to lounge around after getting up in the morning and read, watch TV and then mosey down to a restaurant to get breakfast. And not having to chase a screaming banshee through the restaurant once the aforementioned banshee gets bored with his food (which is usually about five minutes into any meal).

Right now, it's not even noon, and I'm realizing how bad my wife and I are at doing nothing. She's already gone to sleep, and I'm already on the computer, but boy is it NICE! I'll take bored over frazzled for a couple of days. And heck, if I get bored, I'll just go drink myself into a nap by the pool. Problems I can live with, indeed.

Friday, April 11, 2008

This parent gets mad props!

"Why," you might ask? Just click this link and bask in all the geeky, nerd-a-licious glory. Apparently, I'm not quite the geeky dad that I had thought myself.

This parent definitely takes the cake, although I'm not above copying this idea and asking my wife to sew one of these up for our upcoming baby. :)

Monday, April 7, 2008

The curse of parenting

I have almost always maintained that fatherhood is nothing short of a blessing since my son was born, but I do have to revise my outlook slightly. While becoming a dad has been the single-most uplifting and meaningful event in my life to date, there is one unforeseen downside to the whole gig - caring so much about something that it can literally make you sick thinking about it.
The specific thing that set me off was an episode of Cold Case that aired recently, and it dealt with women that had been abducted by this typical loner/nobody/invisible-to-society psycho. One of the women had recently had a daughter before being abducted (and died), and at the end of the show, they show her husband and daughter (about 2-3 years old I'd guess) watching the videos of her and the newborn baby.
I normally don't 'tear up' about anything - it's one of my (misguided) points of pride over my self-control, but I found myself about to bawl when watching this scene. Just seeing the little girl watching the video and realizing that the lady on it was 'her mommy,' and that this was the only connection she'd have to one of her parents... it hit me hard.
It sent all sorts of thoughts through my head, like what if something happens to my son, how could i handle that? Or god forbid if something happened to my wife or myself, and all he has to remember us by are videos from times he can't even recall? Thoughts like this are the kind that make my stomach drop about 10,000 feet as soon as they enter my brain. While I'm thankful that I have that much love for my son and my family, it does scare the bah-jeezus out of me, so I'm having to consciously not think about that stuff and make my day one big stomach-ache. I hate that show.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Update to last post (Ack! part 2)

Wired's Listening Post had a funny picture up related to my last post and I wanted to share it. The picture really says it all - it really breaks it down for you:


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ack!, Part 2

I just got 'Rick-Rolled' at least four times today. Why am I so stupid???? You'd think that a) this being April Fool's day, and b) the dirty trick happening three times prior, would have turned me off from clicking any video links today.

If you have not been 'Rick-Rolled', or do not know what it is, click here for a good time. (don't say i didn't warn you, though).

now the damn thing is stuck in my head, and i think it's even worse than the Henry the Octopus song from my previous post. Why?????!!!!!??????