Thursday, January 3, 2008

Wow! Astro-Photography

I ran across this link today while doing some morning surfing, and this looks really cool! After reading the how-to section, it looks a little difficult, and my son is way too young to appreciate doing a project like this, but I'm going to keep this one in my back pocket and give it a shot when he gets a little older.

I'm certainly not an astronomy buff by any means, but I do remember that my dad had a telescope when I was young, and we used to look at the moon, Mars, and Saturn. I still remember the sense of wonder I felt when looking at craters on the moon or seeing the rings of Saturn in real life vs. seeing them in a book or magazine. This project definitely takes stargazing a large step forward, and I'm excited to try this out one day with my son.

Thanks to the Geek Dad Blog at Wired Magazine for the find!